Today: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Aug 2, 2017


Uber has finally made it to the Capitol District and I am PSYCHED! Who is with me!? I am someone who has done a lot of traveling and, particularly when I was in D.C., I was so amazed by Uber. Like, it really changed the game for me. You can request someone to arrive by way of an app. That’s awesome! But do you know what is even better about Uber arriving up here? It has opened up a whole other avenue of employment opportunities for people around here to make a little extra cash, or make a lot of money driving around all day. Just as Uber has opened up opportunities for the community, we at Destination Kia want to provide an awesome opportunity to the Uber drivers out there!

Now, at Destination Kia, Uber drivers can save THOUSANDS on a NEW Kia! It’s a crazy concept, right? Well, it’s true! But hurry, because this offer only extends to September 5th! What does this mean, well if you are an Uber driver and are looking for a new, sleek ride, we have a whole selection of options you can choose from including the Kia K900, Cadenza, Optima, Sorento, and Sedona. That’s a pretty wide variety of options so that you can really find the right match to your personality.

Let’s look at the math here for a second. You will save THOUSANDS on a new car, that you may have already needed or even wanted anyway. The vehicles available in the promotion are pretty awesome vehicles too. These are some vehicles I would be super stoked to be driving. To make things better, with your amazing new Kia you’ll be MAKING money with Uber. So, what’s happening here is you are saving money on something that will be making you money! What? Sounds like a win win to me, friends!

Remember, this promotion on extends to September 5th, so stop by Destination Kia today to start your journey with Uber!