Today: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Apr 19, 2023

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Spring has finally sprung! That means more people will be out and about enjoying the beautiful weather! So, you’ve got to be more aware of all the other vehicles on the road! Motorcyclists are among the most vulnerable road users, and as a driver, it’s crucial to be aware of their presence and communicate with them effectively to prevent accidents. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Look twice: When changing lanes or turning, always look twice to make sure there are no motorcyclists in your blind spots.
  • Signal your intentions: Use your turn signals to indicate your intentions, and make sure to do it in advance so that motorcyclists have enough time to react.
  • Be mindful of road conditions: Motorcycles are more sensitive to road conditions such as potholes, gravel, or wet pavement, so be mindful of these conditions and adjust your driving accordingly.
  • Give motorcyclists room: Motorcycles need room to maneuver, so give them plenty of space when passing, changing lanes, or turning.
  • Avoid distractions: Distracted driving is dangerous for all road users, including motorcyclists. Avoid texting, eating, or anything else that takes your attention away from the road.