Today: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Aug 31, 2021

If you’re like us, you’re gearing up for another season change here in Albany! And this week we want to put your vehicle cleaning list to the top of your list to ensure a smooth transition into the new season! Below is a list of helpful ways to ensure your vehicle is getting what it needs so check it out and clean up your ride this September. Or if you’re ready to ditch your old ride completely and start fresh, come see our team this month and let us help you find a brand new Kia that fits your needs and budget. We hope to see you soon! 

Undercarriage Cleaning

  • Many car owners always keep the visible parts of their vehicle clean and sparkly. But what about the undercarriage of your vehicle? While your vehicle’s undercarriage is always just inches off the ground, it’s important to clean up and get rid of any road-borne impurities that come in contact with your undercarriage. Especially with slush and road salt quickly approaching in the upcoming winter months. It’s important to clean it well, clean it often.

Exterior Protection

  • This is a little easier but still a task that takes a bit of elbow grease to complete and complete right. Impurities that lie hidden in moisture can lead to slowly eating away at your paint job, no matter how good it is. It’s important to ensure your car is waxed periodically and put that protective barrier between your paint and the elements! 

Interior cleaning

  • Everything you tread on outside of your vehicle always makes its way inside your car at one point or another. While it may be difficult to get out of the vacuum and get into all the nooks and crannies, it’s extremely important to do so. Apart from the feeling that comes from being in a clean interior, you don’t want to find yourself with upholstery damage because you neglected to clean your ride. Get out that vacuum and make it sparkle. And a pro tip, add a new air freshener to freshen up the interior smell of your vehicle!

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