Today: 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Jun 30, 2017

I am a gardener. I have been since I was a small child. My grandma taught me everything I needed to know. The difference between a weed and a very expensive plant that my grandmother planted intentionally that should 100% not be ripped from the ground by an overzealous 4-year-old (A lesson learned the hard way.) Gardening with my grandmother became a very important part of spring and summertime. As I grew up and moved into my own adult life and a new home away from my family, my love of gardening continued on!

I garden at a local community garden because living in an apartment building doesn’t really make for a lot of gardening space. Let me tell you, it is a process getting everything I need to the garden and back. Back in the day, I was attempting to garden with my Kia Forte. Guys, that is not a thing that will work out when you have the sheer volume of gardening equipment I have. My Forte was amazing for regular everyday driving, she is AMAZING on gas milage. But there was definitely not enough space to fit all of my junk in the trunk. I loved this car so much, but it was time for an upgrade.

Fortunately, I got a new 2017 Kia Sorento from Destination Kia, and now I am able to fit all of my tools, plants, and miscellaneous gear and still have room for my friend to fit in the front seat. The back rows of seats fold flat so that I can really make the most of the space, rather than having to play tetris around various seating. It makes my life INFINITELY easier.

Now, when I say that I’m gardening, you are likely imagining a small trowel or shovel, like 4 plants, a watering bucket, and maybe some gloves. Friend, this is gardening. It is a lifestyle, not a hobby. My Sorento is filled to the brim with full sized shovels of all shapes and sizes, rakes, garden hoes, a pick axe(big rocks, man. They can mess up your whole day),  watering hoses, upwards of 30 plants, work boots, and a change of clothes because it gets real out there. No gloves, because gloves are for the weak (just kidding, you do you, friend!).

The one thing that has proved to be an issue is that when I am done in the garden, everything, and I mean literally everything is COVERED in mud. This basically means that my car is also now just a giant dirt stain. Which is tragic because my car is so pretty. I have learned that by getting the plastic floor mats from Destination Kia I am able to contain MOST of the mud and dirt. All I really have to do is a quick vacuum and my precious Kia is back to her former glory.

If you’re out in the world making things happen, you likely need space to achieve it. For me, the 2017 Kia Sorento is the perfect fit for my needs, and what I really need is for all of my gardening stuff to fit in my car. Now it does.